EMF Radiation: Today’s Lead Poisoning

In 1786, Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter warning a friend of what he presumed were the 'well-stablished' hazards of lead paint, and yet for nearly two full centuries, lead paint would be widely used throughout American homes. Today, everyone...

emotional wellness

What It Means to Have Good Emotional Wellness

It's generally easy to understand what it means to enjoy good physical wellness. A person who is physically healthy and well is one who is without disease or injury -- fairly straightforward. But what about emotional wellness? Here...


The Power of Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for living in the modern world. With a society that goes a mile a minute, it’s no wonder that our brains and bodies are on overdrive. This not only makes us feel...


A LIFETIME OF PROGESTERONE Written by Phyllis Bronson, Ph.D. President,Biochemical Consulting and The Biochemical Research Foundation, Aspen, CO https://phyllisbronsonphd.com/LifetimeofProgesterone.html Progesterone is an essential element of a long and healthy life. The body's need for progesterone spans an...


DO YOU REALLY NEED FISH OILS? by Robert Rowan, MD, Vol. XX, Issue 7 / July 2010 For years, I’ve been a big advocate of fish oil. The studies seemed to show that taking fish oil brings...

addiction recovery

Addiction Recovery Is Possible

Addiction Recovery Is Possible According to a 2017 report, 1 in 7 Americans will suffer from substance addiction during their lifetime. For these 20 million people and their loved ones, the news that addiction is a chronic...